Well sept is almost over. There have been some families that have rec'd their LOA's that have the same LID as mine, so we should be getting it soon..
Tevins passport has arrived... in only 3 WEEKS!! and the lady said it wouldn't be here til Dec... oh Ye of little faith.So now off to get our Chinese Visas.
I added the song "Flowers for Zoe" by Lenny Kravitz. If you listen to the lyrics it really says so much for my Zoe... things to call her own... something that an orphanage child does not have... things have to be shared among all children. So many things to explore.... the zoo, beach,movies endless things still waiting for her to discover.
I rec'd many more pictures from the Kelly family of Zoe at her care center. This smiling picture of Zoe was in the IAAP newsletter . Do you not love that face?? I certainly look forward to waking up in the morning and seeing her smiling face... I am sure even her not so happy face will be equally beautiful to me.
update for Sept:
XinHui came to our Changchun Center on September 9, 2006. She has a congenital heart problem. XinHui is a very smart little girl who will correct the others if they should sing the wrong word in a song! She has a family who should be traveling to adopt her in the coming months.
Oh oh... sounds like another Shari.. LOL
Please check out this link to IAAP newsletter and if you are in a position to and have it in your heart please consider sponsoring one of the children at their foster homes.
Help Jenny Bowen carry the torch
What a perfect song for such a perfectly sweet little one!!!
That LOA is coming soon!!
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