waiting for mama

home for 7 mos

This is the way it happened.As i was searching the internet for fabric i rec'd and email from the waiting child group and there she was,my girl, 2 years ago!!!
scroll to the bottom and work up to see the exact texts ....
IAAP - More children!
Posted by: "WaitingChild-owner@yahoogroups.com" WaitingChild-owner@yahoogroups.com alberhasky2000
Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:04 pm (PST)
Dang Xin Hui was born on June 15, 2004. Xin Hui was born with a
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) of her heart which has not been
repaired. Due to this condition, her motor skills are delayed; she
was not walking as of her report this spring. This beautiful little
one needs a family! Couples and single parents under the age of 50
are preferred by the CCAA.
Dang Xin Hui - girl - 6/15/2004Sunday, July 2, 2006 8:42 AM
From: "Richard Graham"
----- Original Message ----
From: bonnie pontillo
To: Richard Graham
Sent: Saturday, July 1, 2006 4:30:54 PM
Subject: Re: Dang Xin Hui - girl - 6/15/2004
Hi Cheryl I hate to bother you again and on a weekend but just in case I wasnt clear in my previous posts , I would like to be dang Xin Hui momma. I know that its states that she could not walk yet but that the info was from March . I have a few concerns but I am aware that developement delays are the norm in institutionalized children but I also know that these kids usually catch up quickly with the love and attention of a family. I did speak to someone who has adopted two children thru your agency and she gave you a resounding recommendation so I am ready to proceed. we have been buying clothes and toys for our "Zoe" for a few months and are in the process of starting to decorating her/toy room . Please let me kow what happens next? Thank you for your time as well as for the great work that you do on behalf of children and families; Bonnie
Richard Graham
Bonnie, You don't need to have a complete dossier or homestudy in order to commit to adopt a child. We only need to know that you meet the CCAA requirements, and are ready to commit to follow through with the adoption. Let us know if this is your daughter! Cheryl
----- Original Message ----
From: bonnie pontillo
To: Richard Graham
Sent: Saturday, July 1, 2006 9:15:28 AM
Subject: Re: Dang Xin Hui - girl - 6/15/2004
Hi Richard I have started my homestudy and collecting the dossier requirements. How paper ready do you need to be? I have been researching adoption for over a year and am ready to find my daughter . Thank you Bonnie
Richard Graham
Bonnie, All the information we have about her is on the site. Our fees for waiting children are very low; this includes the orphanage donation, agency fee, CCAA fee, and fees in the province. We do not place children on hold; if you qualify under the CCAA requirements and are ready to commit to a child, then the child is assigned to you. Let us know if you have any other questions. CherylIAAP
----- Original Message ----
From: bonnie pontillo
To: iaap@iaapadoption.com
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 6:44:02 PM
Subject: Dang Xin Hui - girl - 6/15/2004
Hi I was wondering if i could get more information about about Dang Xin Hui - girl - 6/15/2004 . And also about your special needs programs. thank you Bonnie