after the airport we went to my house, now to explain when I left my house was a mess, like a bad remodel show reject. I asked Shari and Kelli if they could try to move some boxes to the basement They kept telling me that they didnt have time, so I figured we might end up staying over sharis until I finished up. Shari met us at the airport with Desmond after his daylong treatment. i was so happy to see them. of course none of us thought to get the camera out - I also was so stressed in Detroit trying to get thru security in time for our connecting flight that I did not take any photos of her first steps on US soil. Zoe was shy at first but by the time I retrieved our luggage she was laughing and happy. She went in her carseat just fine. Shari said that Kelli was going to meet us at my house so I could get my car. Well i walked in my house and was shocked. Shari,Kelli, Desi and a few of their friends had basically done a complete makeover of my house , all the unfinished jobs were completed, seats redone, carpet put down and everything cleaned. Zoe's room is amazing , so many little details. I have to say I was overwhelmed and shed more tears than when I met Zoe. I was so touched that they would have done so much for me,I mean most days I am not sure if they even like me. Zoe was very happy at her room and all her toys. She seemed to like the cats. after the full tour complete with the slide show of before and after shots( it might be on utube) we went to Pizza hut. It was Shari,Kelli, Des, Tev, Zoe and myself. we were also joined by Guy( my Bf of 7 yrs who wanted no part of the adoption, and apparently had a change of heart when I was gone)and His 3 girls Sondra 15 Jessics 13.5 and Jade 11. Zoe was shy until she had a chance to see kelli and Desi and then she was fine. Zoe is just a great kid, very easy going. Well we went back to Guys apartment in town because we were suppose to be getting a big storm , we did.
Zoe likes men and was asking for Guy and he was hugging her and saying how precious she was( i don't recall him ever saying i was precious LOL) Zoe has him wrapped around her little pinky he made a little bed for her, he tucked her in... I went all the way to China for her and she trades me in for a 6 ft redhead.He is great with her, as he has raised all 3 girls since they were babies.
Zoe warmed up to her bro Desi after some confusion over there being 2 GUGUs
so far Zoe has slept thru the night, then stayed up all the next night, She has gone to walmart,we went to the kids school concert and she was great. She fell asleep towards the end . She has her first drs appointment tuesday. I will post again then. She has started copying what we say and loved to play with a teaching stuffed dog that Guy bought her while we were still gone(desi ratted him out on the phone)It says "peek a boo" and then Zoe says "peek a bow" so cute, she also learned to say no. She still calls me just MA as if she was a teen... enjoy the pics... peace and happiness and still pinching myself daily that she is really home.... Bonnie
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