Well Its been a year since I first saw Zoe's precious face.My dossier finally made it to CCAA although I don't
have a confirmed LID(some never do). next step is LOA(letter of acceptance) a new step added this year for adoptions. It is to reaffirm your intention that you still want your child. It is to stop the disruption of adoption once people get their child. thinking about that... IMHO i feel the SN route was the best way to go. You really get to know more about your child,pictures,videos and some time visits from other people. In NSN after waiting 2 years for a referral its hard to imagine a family saying no to any child. There are some instances when there has been an unknown issue... the paper work is submitted to CCAA when the babies are pretty young so some things might not be noticed or developed yet.I think for the high number of placements every year that the CCAA does a great job.so yes it has been one year... the wait now will go quickly
(summer always speeds by)so we wait for LOA(40-90 days??) TA-travel approval(10-40 days) then travel.can you help even a little... we are trying to raise the 3000.00 orphanage donation. Zoe's orphanage is a very poor one , only a handful of adoptions done.we have a magazine fundraiser:http://www.magfundraising.com/getzoeI will have Tshirts in a week or so... they say believe in ... and have the chinese symbol for family... and bringing Zoe home in small letters on the bottom... we are asking for a 12$ donation shipping will be around 4.50 for 1,2,or 3 .Also if you do get a tshirt we are asking that you take a photo( if you are ok with that)and email it to us to be put in Zoe's scrapbook. If you are nearby us we will try once she is home to have a meet and thank you and try to get a group pic with the tshirts. I have seen others do this and it was pretty neat.Zoe's store will be up and adding new items... taggies, small quilts, trinkets, bookmarks, magnets, necklaces, bracelets

new pics of the boyz

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